Monday, 2 March 2009

Excerpts from Scottish Literature

If you can decipher this, kindly let me know before my Scottish Lit tutorial on Wednesday

A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle, Hugh McDiarmid

I amna' fou' sae muckle as tired - deid dune.
It's gey and hard wark' coupin' gless for gless
Wi' Cruivie and Gilsanquhar and the like
And I'm no' juist as bauld as aince I wes.

The elbuck fankles in the coorse o' time,
The sheckle's no' sae souple, and the thrapple
Grows deef and dour: nae langer up and doun
Gleg as a squirrel speils the Adam's apple.

Forbye, the stuffie's no' the real Mackay,
The sun's sel' aince, as sune as ye began it,
Riz in your vera saul: but what keeks in
Noo is in truth the vilest 'saxpenny planet.'

It goes on like that for 80 more pages.

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